If your family member suffers from an injury-related disability or mentalissues, there are many ways to provide for them. You can make their lives easier and enhance their quality of life.
You can help them by taking time to plan regular trips or visits with them. Doing this will give them a sense of anticipation and give them something positive to look forward to.
Give them independence
One of the most essential things you can do for your disabled loved one is to help them become independent. They need the ability to make their own decisions, select activities that interest them and have control over their lives.
Independence can give your loved one a sense of pride and dignity, while also improving their quality of life. This could be done in various ways such as improving physical fitness or volunteering or working.
Begin by giving them control of everyday decisions such as washing dishes or what to have for dinner. Doing this will boost their self-confidence in making decisions and gradually progress them onto larger tasks.
One way you can assist your loved one is by creating a strong support network. This can be challenging as it involves finding people whom your loved one trusts and who are eager to assist them in reaching their independence objectives.
Don’t feel sorry for them
It can be tempting to feel sorry for a disabled person, especially during difficult times. But it’s essential to remember that pity does more harm than good and makes disabled individuals even more isolated.
Additionally, it is not wise to make them feel like a hero or inspire them merely because of their disability, since this could foster false expectations that all people with disabilities are heroic or inspiring.
Many of these reactions stem from well-meaning intentions, yet they often become irritating due to a misplaced understanding of how disabled people live. If you want to learn more about being more supportive of people with disabilities, Emily Ladau’s blog is the perfect resource. She utilizes language and social media effectively in order to advocate for disabled individuals in more positive, accepting, and encouraging ways. You can connect with her on Facebook or Twitter as well.
Be patient with them
Working with disabled individuals can be challenging, yet it is essential to uphold proper etiquette. Avoid using words such as “handicapped,” “differently abled,” and “physically challenged” that convey condescending attitudes that people with disabilities are weak or incapable in some way.melbourne disability services
Additionally, be patient with those who have speech disabilities since it may take them longer to communicate. Do not attempt to fill in for them or complete their sentences; rather, give them your full attention and ensure they can hear you clearly.
Be patient with people who have psychiatric or mental health disabilities, too; they may seem hypersensitive to your discomfort and respond differently than people without these issues. People with these needs and wants often share similar desires as others do, but may struggle to express them clearly or on their own terms.
Take care of yourself
Caring for disabled individuals is a full-time job that necessitates constant monitoring. To ensure your wellbeing, it’s essential that you look after yourself as well, so that neither physical nor psychological damage occurs.
Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating nutritiously and exercising regularly. Exercising helps build up your body strength and stamina which can be invaluable when caring for disabled individuals.
Strive to achieve a balance between work, home and family. Doing so will allow you to cherish time with your disabled loved one while decreasing stress levels.
If you are feeling stressed or depressed, ask for assistance from a friend or counselor. This may reduce some of the pressure and give you more control over your situation.
If you have any queries or require further guidance regarding caring for disabled individuals, reach out to your local community centre or social services department. They are happy to offer advice and assist in finding a support group.